Dear Mr Blair, It is with deep regret and a heavy heart that, with immediate effect, I resign my Labour Party membership.

You and I have one thing in common -- we have both been members of the Labour party for nearly a quarter of a century. Of course, you won't know me. I am one of the thousands of anonymous, once loyal party members who have tramped the streets leafleting and campaigning to get Labour candidates elected in the hope of contributing to a better world.

I recall a state of euphoria when, in May 1997, a Labour Government was elected with a landslide majority. After 18 years of a Tory government hell-bent on destroying public services, the hopes and expectations of the British people were high.

I have supported your Government through thick and thin, often against huge criticism. While I have been immensely disappointed at the failure to deliver on public services, and your policy on asylum seekers, I applaud your achievements, in particular, the minimum wage.

But there comes a time when you have to stand up and be counted. The start of hostilities against a country which has been ravaged for 12 years by sanctions, a war without moral justification, a war which will destabilise the Middle East and potentially the world, a war which will fuel racism at home, a war which will see innocent Iraqi men, women and children die, is not in my name!

I resent your accusations that those opposing the war are unpatriotic and anti-American. I am not a pacifist, I accept the concept of a just war. You are committing our troops, who have no say in the political decision-making, to an illegal war which does not have the backing of the British People or the United Nations. It is a war which is opposed by millions across the world, including Nelson Mandella, the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury. I am not anti-American, but anti-Bush.

This war is not about liberating the Iraqi people from the evil dictator, Saddam Hussein, who you and the US helped arm. It is about oil, power and US imperialism. I do not believe Saddam Hussein, but I do believe Hans Blix when he says progress was being made, and three months was not long enough to conclude his work. Yes, Saddam has been prevaricating for 12 years -- so what is the rush to war? What price do you put on the life of just one Iraqi baby or one British soldier? The price of a barrel of oil?!

I would like to think I could influence change from within, but you have destroyed all democratic mechanisms within the Labour party to do that. You will have a taste of that feeling of impotence over the coming days and weeks as your ability to influence the course of this war is ceded to the US generals and vested interests.

On a personal level, I would like to congratulate my MP and friend David Crausby. Despite intense pressure, he had the courage to stand for what he believes is right. I wish him well and I am sure his constituents will not forget his stance on this issue come the next election.

You have managed to divide a nation and divide the world. You will not have one more penny of my money, you will not have one more minute of my time.

You have betrayed my loyalty, I no longer wish to belong to a party led by you.

Bernadette Gallagher

Bury Road
