Cats, Palace Theatre, Manchester. Until April 5

CATS has been capturing the imagination of theatre goers for more than two decades.

And still people are unsure about what exactly is going on. The show's composer Andrew Lloyd Webber has waxed eloquent on what it all means and director Trevor Nunn has held forth at great length on what it is about.

Yet I would hazard a bet that hardly anyone in Manchester knew or cared what the creators say -- they were just fascinated by the cats, the choreography and the songs.

Each one of the actors and actresses assuming the roles of the cats are tremendously talented singers and dancers. They take their feline personalities and act them for every one of their nine lives.

This is a show not driven by star performers but held together by Lloyd Webber's compositions.

Unlike many musicals, the music comes not from an orchestra but from speakers placed towards the front of the stage.

Songs like Jellicle Cats, Rum Rum Tugger and Memory stick in the mind, keeping the musical as fresh today as it was when it made its debut in 1982.

It's a must see production. But don't worry if you can't make it this time around -- it's sure to be back again and again and again.

David Crookes