THE king of Doe Hey had a coronation last week when a home-made crown was placed upon the head of Bob Fearnhead by his fellow anglers.

No-one could knock it off as he continued as supreme ruler with a brace of wins.

In the Wednesday Open his all bit catch of 7lb 2oz was way ahead of second placed Marvellous Marvin Hyde with 3lb 14oz. However the Apollo Motors man is now having better returns after inspecting Bob's rigs with a micrometer. Third was Peter Fletcher with 3lb 5oz.

In the Sunday Open King Bob only just made first place with 5lb 15oz, which left Martin Ormrod cursing his luck when the scales only turned to 5lb 7oz. Third was Marvellous Marvin who has almost perfected his copy cat rigs with 4lb 10oz. Fourth was Fred Yates with 3lb 1oz.