The group, which won last year's Bolton Evening News' award for best musical will perform Oliver in September.

Talented youngsters, between the ages of 8 and 13 years, are being sought to to perform in the musical.

This will be the first time Oliver has appeared on the stage at the Albert Halls.

Auditions for junior cast members are at the United & Reformed Church, Wigan Road, near the junction with Hulton Lane and for more information contact Steve on 01204 371983.

A smaller Bolton Premier production entitled The Rhythm of Life will be shown at Chorley Old Road Methodist Community Centre on March 14 and 15, 7.30pm. The review will feature songs from many well-loved shows including Les Miserables, Chicago, Phantom of the Opera, South Pacific and Brigadoon. Tickets, £5, are from Lynda on 01204 371752.