CHILDREN are dicing with death hitching rides on the back of moving vehicles.

And the driver of a pensioners' mini bus, targeted by the thrill-seeking youngsters, fears it is only time before one of them is seriously injured -- or even killed.

Mini bus driver John Sinclair, who has been driving the St Luke's Church mini-bus for three years, said: "These children are risking their lives. They don't seem to realise that they are playing a dangerous game."

Mr Sinclair uses the mini-bus to give pensioners a lift to their Wednesday luncheon club meetings at the Chorley Old Road church.

Four or five children jumped on the rear step of the vehicle during one incident at the junction of Adrian Road and Halliwell Road.

The same group have also twice hitched a ride in Raphael Street. All of the youths were wearing red school jumpers.

Mr Sinclair, aged 70, pulled over to the side of the road on each occasion as the youths ran off laughing.

Mr Sinclair said: "Most of my passengers are elderly ladies. A couple of them are 90-years-old.

"I try to give them a stress free ride but these youngsters are making it very difficult.

"I would urge all parents and teachers to tell children about the dangers of riding on the back of vehicles.

"They are putting their lives at risk and are putting an unnecessary stress on drivers."

The vicar of St Luke's, the Rev Andie Brown, is also concerned about the dangers.

He said: "It's very worrying. One of these children could very easily fall of into the road and go under a car."