music, videos and computer games which depict violence are not helping the fight against gun crime, says a Bolton MP.

Brian Iddon, MP for Bolton South East, says that music with lyrics about violence -- such as Gangsta Rap -- and violent videos are in danger of glamorising violence and could have a big impact on some teenagers.

Dr Iddon said: "I think music has a big impact on impressionable youngsters -- the mid teen groups. I do not think it helps the situation."

He said certain video games and videos films also showed violence to be an almost acceptable form of behaviour.

The MP spoke out after Home Secretary David Blunkett called for talks with record bosses to persuade rappers to denounce guns. It was feared Gangsta Rap was making it fashionable to carry a gun.

Dr Iddon called on record bosses to think carefully about where to draw the line.

He said: "I saw one video which I thought should be banned. People were just shooting each other in the street in quite a normal situation. They are not going to impress all young people - but they will make an impression on a minority."