STUFFED isn't the word. All my good intentions not to eat too much over the holidays flew out the window along with my husband's credit card.

It all started a couple of days before Christmas Day at the office lunch.

I'd intended just to pick at the food on my plate, just to be social, but the temptation was too great and by the time the pudding arrived I'd given in and completely gone to seed.

By then, it was too late. In for a penny in for a pound, I thought as I munched my way through my third mince pie on the way back to office.

And, I'm sorry to say, the rest of Christmas followed in pretty much the same vein.

Christmas Eve in our house consists of me ceremonially unlocking our 'Christmas Cupboard' where, over the previous weeks I've stashed away many a festive fancy so my husband doesn't feast on the luxury honey roasted pistachios before Christmas.

"But WHEN does Christmas start?" he always wails. "When can we officially eat the Christmas food?"

"Christmas Eve," I reply. Smug in my knowledge that only I hold the key to the 'Christmas Cupboard'.

So, come Christmas Eve he's champing at the bit.

Out come the aforementioned luxury nuts (together with those that you never eat 'cos you don't have any nutcrackers), Quality Street, Roses and yes, that Christmas staple . . . Pringles.

Then, when our son has gone to bed we wheel out the mulled wine and M&S party foods.

Strange how quickly you can plough your way through 12 cranberry and brie parcels while watching It's A Wonderful Life on video.

Of course Christmas Day kicks off with a glass of Buck's Fizz accompanied by bagels and smoked salmon before the neighbours call round for sherry and mince pies.

Christmas lunch at mum's, followed by Christmas night at home with cheese, biscuits and wine.

Boxing Day it's off to Burnley for the in-laws' turkey curry buffet, stopping on the way home to pick up a jar of liver salts for the inevitable stomach cramps that soon follow this mammoth eating fest.

Eat, drink and be merry? Yep, for there is always another slimming class to join!

Happy New Year!