I WOULD like to draw people's attention to the appalling state of the No. 501 bus shelter outside the court building on Moor Lane.

Approximately four months ago all the shelters around the town were modernised. However, the one in question has still not been finished. At the moment it consists of a roof and a couple of uprights (it has no back or sides); also, at the side of the so-called shelter is a makeshift barricade to help you avoid a pile of bricks and a big hole. That is fine if you can see.

There is a young blind man who gets on the 8.03am bus each morning and when he gets off at the court, he is always walking into the bricks.

I have made numerous phone calls to GMPTE who said it would shut the shelter. GMPTE also said that it did not know of any work being done to the shelter and that I should contact the highways department. The highway depertment said that no work was being carried out and a Mr Catterall said it was a GMPTE problem, but he would get an inspector to look at the site.

That was three weeks ago and still nothing has been done. People who have to use the shelter are fed up of being cold and wet because nobody can make their mind up whose responsibility it is to finish a job that was started four months ago.

A very disgruntled bus traveller.

(name and address supplied)