I REFER to your letter, Mrs Denton. You state that your husband only supplemented his £409 wage twice before Christmas.

I believe this was misinterpreted by many people when they read the original write up about your husband.

Having said that, what an enviable position your husband is in when he has enough free time to partake in a second job!

You comment that his take home pay is just over £1,000 per month after paying £200 a month pension. Mrs Denton that £200 a month is for YOU and your husband for your retirement. It is YOUR money.

Yes I do sympathise with regard to your husband not being at home for Christmas, but wasn't your husband made aware of the shift system when he first started?

Could I just finish by saying that the threatening phone call I received after my previous letter does not help the firefighters' cause whatsoever. I, along with thousands of other people, am entitled to an opinion, although I do know that sometimes the truth hurts!

D Wolfendale
