RE: The new scheme for paying out pensions due to start next April.

Until recently I had my pension paid into a bank, and I do not recommend anyone to use this method.

First off you will have your pension paid out monthly, and the bank and the utility companies will persuade you to have direct debits to pay your bills, and woe betide you if the cash isn't there on time, because they then charge you for any unpaid direct debits.

You will also have to travel (transport available) to the bank for your pension.

So please stay with your Post Office. Even having a plastic card and a PIN number to remember is nothing compared to the hassle you will have if you change to a bank-payable pension.

I know from experience.

And they pay your heating allowance and Christmas bonus into the bank as well if you use their method!!

It's a free country (I think), and I for one, and others besides, can manage our own money, thank you very much.

Use the Post Office or you will lose it!!

Mrs F Davies

(address supplied)