BOLTON Octagon is flying high this Christmas by presenting a home grown alternative to pantomime -- The Firebird.

The play is a magical festive adventure story designed to enchant children of all ages . . . and of course those who are still young at heart.

When Tsar Saltan discovers that the mythical Firebird has been stealing valuable fruit from his most treasured Golden Apple Tree, he sends his downtrodden and put-upon son, Ivan, to capture and punish the bird.

But what starts as a perilous journey for Ivan becomes an adventure of a lifetime as he meets a host of wild and wonderful characters and discovers things are not always as they seem.

He finds truth, friendship and bravery can sometimes be found in the most unexpected of places.

The Firebird is being created for The Octagon by the same team that produced last year's Christmas production, The Snow Queen.

This includes Bolton writer Neil Duffield, designer Dominie Hooper and director -- and Octagon associate director -- Sue Reddish.

Sue said: "Neil has produced a sparkling, funny script and Dominie's set is typically ingenious and beautiful.

"Like all the best stories it tells us something about our own lives and experiences while entertaining us with magical creatures and amazing treasures."

The cast of six includes Bolton's Antony Bessick who recently appeared in The Octagon production of Second From Last In The Sack Race. Nuria Benet appears as The Firebird. She is joined by Wendy Baxter, Matthew Lewney, Melody Brown and Zoe Lambert.

The show runs from Friday, December 6 to Saturday, January 18. Tickets are from 01204 520661.