November 22: I WAS in Barcelona last week for the MTV Music Awards and had a fantastic time.

One of the highlights for me was meeting Pierce Brosnan -- 007 himself.

His "people" said he didn't want to have his picture taken with anybody but, and this is true -- honest, when he saw me and June, he was more than happy to pose for a photo. What a great bloke.

It was wall-to-wall celebrity at the awards so you can imagine the size of the egos knocking about.

But, and this is the best tale, there was none bigger than P Diddy, who insisted on being all showbiz and having hot baths run for him in between numbers.

Come on, I ask you, what's going on with these people?

Pamela Anderson was there looking, er, slightly larger than life. Seems she's had a couple of things replaced so you couldn't help but notice her.

But it was a good time all round and June and I had a ball.

This Sunday we're presenting the Smash Hits Awards in London. We were meant to be co-presenting with Justin Timberlake but he's broken his foot and can't be there.

Never mind, we've still got Kelly Osbourne to help us out. I'm really looking forward to that and I can't wait to hear what she says! Kelly isn't known for her sweet talkin' ways!

The awards are being shown on CH4 on Sunday and we've got some fantastic people appearing so don't forget to watch.

I was in Bolton last night and had a brilliant time switching on the Christmas lights. If any of you saw me, I don't usually turn up to gigs in such an elaborate mode of transport as Santa's sleigh! It was absolutely hilarious!

Still, Christmas spirit and all that and I was dead proud to do the "switch on".

Back to London tonight and rehearsals for Sunday.

See you next week.