I WAS sorry to read of the schoolgirl, aged 15, who was attacked, along with her boyfriend, aged 16, in the middle of the town centre, as reported on November 12.

Sorry that they were attacked -- (why can't people leave each other alone to get on with their lives in peace?) -- but just as sorry that they were out in the town centre, at 3am, on a Monday morning, only a few hours before the girl (and perhaps the boy as well) would need to be getting ready to go to school.

I can only come to the conclusion that I am out of touch with 21st century life! However, if this is what the 21st century offers us -- children out at 3am, and attackers on the loose -- then perhaps... I hope the attackers are caught and severely dealt with. And I hope both of these young people recover quickly from their ordeal, possibly with the help of some early nights!

(Name and address supplied)