A LAST word on Snofecta.

You may recall that Mrs Judith Prentice, of Stockport, asked through this column whether anyone recalled the firm - I could not find out anything about it, although following the story a couple of readers called to give some details which I told you.

I have now heard from Mrs Prentice herself, who says that she had several telephone calls, which seem to confirm what I had previously told you. "It seems," she writes, "that a company owned (or part owned) by a Mr Kenyon, who lived at 4, Eckersley Street, employed about 8-10 people making the Snofecta soap powder in a building at the rear. It is said that a faint image of the Snofecta name could still be made out on the gable wall until fairly recently.

"One or two of the people who rang actually worked there for a short time in the early 1940s, or had parents who worked there. They all seemed to hold Mr Kenyon in high esteem as a kindly employer, who was quite religious and a lay preachers. The manufacturing process itself was not such a pleasant business, however!"

Mrs Prentice has asked me to pass on her thanks to all who helped giving information "which have helped to answer a puzzle regarding my family history researches."