THE days of ration books and Vera Lynn were recreated at a church in Little Hulton.

Men and women in 1940s military uniforms feasted on potato hash and picked up copies of the Victory Cookbook containing thrifty recipes to make with rations.

And instead of tickets, everyone at the event at St Paul's Peel Church had specially printed National Registration Identity Cards with their names filled in.

The idea for the "We'll Meet Again" event came from Catherine Govan, wife of the Rev Kesh Govan, who often comes up with original events to raise money for church funds.

More than 100 attended the event on Friday night, which was planned to coincide with Remembrance Sunday and all observed a two-minute silence at 9pm followed by the Last Post.

Mr Govan said: "Everyone really entered into the spirit of it and dressed up. We had one man dressed up as Marlene Dietrich singing and a lady as Dame Vera Lynn. They were brilliant.

"It definitely brought the wartime to life and lots of people who were alive during the war said it stirred up some memories. We even had a wartime sing-a-long."

Mr Govan said he was also pleased that around 160 people turned up to the Remembrance Service at the church in Manchester Road West on Sunday.

The next fundraiser planned is a Christmas Fair on November 23 from 11am-2pm featuring stalls and Santa's grotto. For further details contact the church on 799 6300.