BEYOND the tourist hotspots of Rivington Barns, the quiet countryside around Anglezarke Reservoir is criss-crossed with paths providing pleasant walking and panoramic views.

This saunter heads north from Rivington to the secluded hamlet of White Coppice with its famous cricket pitch below the moors. The return journey along the edge of the West Pennine Moors and via Lead Mines Clough offers alternative routes depending upon how fit you are feeling. Take either the lowland route or the upper route to the Dove Tower. Both offer spectacular views on clear days looking north, south and west to include the Lake District, Snowdonia and Blackpool Tower.

DISTANCE: 8 miles (lowland route) or 9 miles (Dove Tower route)

START: Rivington Lower Barn car park, one mile north of Horwich (OS Grid Ref 628139)

PUBLIC TRANSPORT: regular bus service from Bolton

(Note: follow these route directions in conjunction with the OS West Pennine Moors map. Explorer 287)

WALKS to the rear of the car park and by the dog bin turn right along the bridleway track which runs through woodland with the reservoir running parallel to it below. The track leads to a small car park by Rivington primary school and meets a road. Turn left along the road and drop down to cross the reservoir. Immediately on the far side of the reservoir turn right along the signed footpath. This now runs along the shore edge and eventually meets a higher road.

Go straight across the road and join the path directly opposite. This now passes through fields along the western edge of Anglezarke Reservoir. It soon bears left and meets another lane. Turn right along this lane and follow it alongside the reservoir for about 600m until an access track and bridleway are reached on the right hand side leading to a farm along Heapey Fold Lane. Turn right down here and the bridleway bears sharp left in front of the farm. Continue straight ahead along this route which runs parallel to the reservoir, skirts a hillside and eventually meets another road.

Turn left along the road then right at the next T-junction to follow a lane which meanders down a hill to the hamlet of White Coppice. Turn right at the junction by the cottages and continue straight ahead. The road ends and becomes a track which leads straight to the hidden cricket field and pavilion. Keep to the pavilion side of the field and a kissing gate and bridge crossing point over a drain (the Goit) are reached on the far side. Rough moorland now looms before you. Turn immediately right after passing through the gate and follow a track which runs between the Goit and the steep wooded hillside. It eventually leads to a kissing gate and a lane.

Turn left along the lane and climb uphill. This lane is now followed for about three quarters of a mile. It eventually kinks left and continues to climb before it reaches a gate straight ahead at the point where it turns sharp right downhill. Leave it here and go through the gate to follow a bridleway along the fence line. There are good views west from here towards Chorley and Preston. Go straight ahead and the path soon drops downhill and bears left to become a track leading to a bridge in the bottom of a steep-sided valley. This is Lead Mines Clough and an information panel by the bridge highlights the history of the site. Cross the bridge and follow the track downstream. The stream is crossed again before a road is met at a gate.

One of two alternative routes can be followed at this point. The easiest way back to Rivington is to go straight ahead along the road and join the first path on the left hand side of the road alongside Yarrow Reservoir. A good track runs around and below the reservoir and eventually meets the road passed earlier by Rivington village club. Cross the road and walk uphill for a short distance before rejoining the path alongside Rivington school which leads back to the car park.

Alternatively, from the gate turn left and cross over the road bridge. Follow the lane uphill for about half a mile until it reaches a T-junction. Turn left and after a very short distance leave the B road by going straight ahead along the minor lane leading to a car park. Go straight ahead from the car park following the left of the two tracks which winds steeply uphill to the folly of the Dove Tower. From here there are numerous paths dropping downhill to the Upper Rivington Barn. Once you reach the Barn just follow the tree-lined avenue down to the Lower Barn car park.