
I make no apology for returning to the subject of internet scams and viruses. We all have computers and they must be of interest.

You might learn something as well.

There are a lot of real stories, articles and hints and tips about avoiding viruses.

Also some cartoons for light relief and some very interesting and thought provoking articles on computer terrorism.

Did you know that Pakistan and India have been locked in a cyber-war for years? Each is trying to destroy the others' computer system with viruses, trojans etc.

A bit scary as well.


KEEP an eye on the toolbar as you wait for this site to load. You don't want to miss a thing.

Weird? Well...


THIS is the official website to the best TV series ever made in the history of TV ever (me biased?).

Find out all about Springfield, the characters -- including the Simpsons themselves of course --and what makes them so wacky.


THE Exploratorium (you won't believe how hard that word is to type until you try it) is a museum(ish) in San Francisco devoted to bringing science to life.

A bit like Blue Peter and those other programmes that offer all sorts of really clever tricks and experiments.

But without being patronising.

Make bubbles (without liquid soap); make lightning; and make music from empty fizzy-drink cans.

There are literally hundreds of other great things to do.

Great for the kids and... er... those of us who still have an enquiring mind some years past childhood.

Do you have a favourite website? Tell me about it on felson@boltoneveningnews.co.uk