LITTER is an emotive word these days, wherever you travel in the UK, but it is really a frame of mind rather than an item disposed of.

It doesn't matter whether it is a crisp packet, a drinks can or a major occurrence of fly tipping, the basic problem is an attitude which assumes that when an item is no longer required then it can be dropped anywhere and "someone else will clear away my unwanted rubbish".

This has obviously become a problem of monumental proportions, and it is difficult to know how we can re-educate the masses.

However, one twist to the norm is now becoming more prevalent and, unfortunately, is perpetrated by the wealthier members of our society who, one would have thought, should know better.

Each autumn there is a massive fall of leaves throughout the town, and our street cleansing crews do a mammoth job in trying to keep our streets clear and safe.

However, there are those who (at the moment are fortunately a minority) consider that the leaves and rubbish from their gardens can be deposited in the road, "out-of-sight-out-of-mind", and, again, someone else will clear it up.

So much so that on Chorley New Road the cycle lane has been completely blocked on occasions.

Apart from this presumably being an illegal act, why is it that those who should know better and have the means (finance) to dispose of their garden waste safely and properly, continue to exhibit such disregard for the well-being of the rest of the population who use these "public" highways?

It is difficult to come up with an answer.

Possibly a circular from the Bolton MBC pointing out that this really is litter being dumped, which carries the same penalties.

P A Mitchell

Carlton Road

Heaton, Bolton