I MUST respond to several inaccuracies in your article about the council by-election in Daubhill ('Tories bid for council upset'-- Bolton Evening News, October 29).

You are right to say that Labour would lose overall control of Bolton Council if they lose the seat, but that would be the case whichever other party gained it -- not just the Conservatives. Indeed, all the evidence, both on the ground in Daubhill and nationally, shows that the Liberal Democrats are more likely to win the seat than the Conservatives. In Daubhill, we are finding that Conservatives are seen as irrelevant by most voters. Whatever happens on November 11, it will not lead to a Conservative Council in Bolton.

The second inaccuracy in the article (and the Bolton Evening News may not be totally to blame for this) is the implication that all three candidates live in Daubhill. In fact, the only candidate that lives in the ward is the Liberal Democrat, Linden Greensitt. Both the other candidates live not far away, but in Hulton Park Ward (Bolton West Constituency).

I hope that the facts will be more carefully checked in any future reports.

Roger G C Hayes

(Agent for Linden Greensitt, Liberal Democrat)