BOLTON's Gary Cartmel and Brian Wright scored 140 121 100(6) 99 95 beat Radcliffe's Les Fitton and Brian Ochwat 125 100(5) in an exciting final 2-0 to win the Men's Ladbroke's Pairs Cup in aid of St Ann's Hospice at Little Lever Cricket Club.

Quarter finals: J Hardy/B McAllister beat A Openshaw/C Parkinson; G Cartmel/B Wright beat R Hacker/S Barlow, S Osborne. A Berry beat F Howarth/P Green, L Fitton/B Ochwat beat D Savery/J Warburton.

Semi finals: Cartmel/Wright beat Hardy/McAllister; Fitton/Ochwat beat Osborne/Berry.

Little Lever's Marie McKinney and Lyn Hayard 100 95(2) 85(2) beat Deanne Hancock and Jackie Kryworok 140 98 95 85(2) 2-0 to win the Ladies cup.

Semi-finals: D Hancock/J Kryworok beat P Middleton/T Fitton, M McKinney/L Hayward beat J Broxton/A Redburn in the David Pearson Memorial High Score cup competition. The following scored 95 -- A Connell, B McAllister, P Green, Jackie Kryworok 98, B Ochwat, D Savery, D Walmsley, D Owen, S Barlow, C Parkinson, Lyn Hayward 100, F Howarth 101, J Hardy 121, Marie McKinney 123, S Osborne, R Hacker 125, A Berry 135, L Fitton, Deanne Hancock, J Warburton, B Wright, D Swindells 140. The cup went to Gary Cartmel scoring 140 twice. The cups and trophies were presented by Ladbroke's manager Julie Broxton and Councillor Tony Connell and the match raised £121 for St Ann's Hospice.