IN reply to M J Rigby's letter, my main complaint with the speed bumps is this.

I live on one of five avenues from which you cannot leave to travel anywhere without using either Aintree or Redcar Road. As such, should we not also have been consulted about the proposals? Instead of which, it seems we do not count, as we do not "actually" live on either road!

Furthermore, I am not averse to traffic calming where it can serve a valuable purpose, such as outside schools and playgrounds. Here, though, there seems to be no markings for any bumps outside St Theresa's School, so I presume there won't be any? Also this area seems to have become a car park, which is more dangerous as children can run from behind parked cars, where, even if you are crawling over a bump, you still might not be able to stop in time.

Also another point to take into account is that, even if there are bumps, they only slow people down at that point. Travelling between the bumps, people are likely to actually drive faster, and then slam on the brakes to negotiate the bump to try to make up the perceived time loss!

I personally believe that road-narrowing chicanes are a better way of reducing overall speeds as they have no other effects than that of making you go slower.

As a resident of York Avenue since I was four, I have to say that I do not recall any serious accidents in the last 32 years. Though it has to be said that today's computer-age kids do not seem to have (or are not taught) the road sense of past generations.

During the course of the roadworks on the main road, I had expected both Aintree and Redcar to be solid with traffic, but have noticed only a small increase in vehicles on what is mostly a quiet road.

I also noted today that there is a marking at the top of Redcar Road for what I presume to be a mini roundabout (another item about which I knew nothing). I have to say that I think that this is the wrong place for it, it would serve a much better purpose if it were placed at the corner outside Berry's newsagents. This is the scene of several accidents and is a dangerous, blind 90 degree bend, and I personally have nearly been "T"-boned coming round it by people shooting across it.

I presume the roundabout has been decided upon to stop impatient drivers from using the pavement to get past people turning right? If so, all that was needed was a couple of bollards on the kerb opposite the junction.

One last point is that, if my car will not negotiate the speed bumps, then it matters not one bit how many there are for me to negotiate!

Eddie Dicker

York Avenue

Little Leve
