A FALKLANDS War veteran is appealing for businesses to help him look after an Argentinian soldier who is visiting Bolton.

Les Standish will this week meet Alejandro Vidlea, a man he took prisoner in the war, but he is struggling to pay for his trip.

Many local companies, like the Pack Horse Hotel and Spanish restaurant La Tasca have offered some food and accommodation, but Les would like to hear from others.

Les, of Belmont, got in touch with the former soldier over the Internet. Mr Vidlea's visit will include lectures about the war at Thornleigh Salesian College and a meeting with the Mayor, Cllr John Walsh, at the Howcroft Inn on Friday.

Falkland veterans are invited to attend a buffet at 3.30pm to chat about their experiences and the difficulties they have suffered since the war .

For more information, or to donate money to pay for the trip, contact Les on 07957 135229.