BOLTON Swim Club has moved to Farnworth Pool, Brackley Street, Farnworth.

Regular sessions for five to 15 year olds previously held at The Water Place have moved to Farnworth on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings and take place at the following times: Wednesday and Thursday, 7pm to 9pm and Friday, 8pm to 9.30pm. Bolton Swimming Club has been developing top swimmers in Bolton for 130 years and will now be entirely based at Farnworth.

The pool is conveniently located next to the Asda store and there is ample free parking nearby.

Members of the club will receive notification of all the changes in the post and new members are always very welcome.

The club is entirely run by volunteers and members compete in regional swimming leagues and are encouraged to take part in competitive activities.

For further information please contact Farnworth Leisure Centre on 01204 334477.