THE Iraqi people have suffered enough.

Many people are asking why it is that America's leaders need such "power".

US history from the Second World War up until the present has been a history of almost constant conflict. From Korea and Vietnam, via El Salvador and Nicaragua, to Iraq and Afghanistan, US leaders, it could reasonably be argued, have always needed enemies to justify their own possession of weapons of mass destruction.

Now George W Bush wants to attack Iraq again. He and his fellow warmongers believe that razing Iraq to the ground is acceptable because Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein is supposedly building weapons of mass destruction.

There is no evidence for this, says Scott Ritter, former chief inspector of UNSCOM, the UN weapons inspection unit.

In a packed meeting at the Houses of Parliament in July, Ritter, who says he "worked with the best intelligence agencies in the world", clearly stated that there are "no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq".

He also confirmed what we knew already, that no one can "link Saddam Hussein to the terrorism of September 11, or anti-Western terror groups".

An attack on Iraq can not be justified. It would amount to mass murder. Public opinion must demand that it does not happen!

David Sumner

Bolton Social Alliance and Stop the War Coalition

Metfield Place, Bolton