ST CATHERINE'S School in Horwich is set to move premises after 150 years on its present site.

The school, currently in Richmond Street is moving to a new building in Pearl Brook, Horwich, in April 2003, which will also include a nursery.

Christian values are built in to the ethos and the teaching of St Catherine's and the school provides a grounding in the Anglican faith, placing collective worship at the centre of its daily life.

Staff aim to provide a friendly atmosphere for the children to help them feel safe and secure. They plan for good discipline by endeavouring to recognise and foster good behaviour.

Discipline at the school is said to be consistent, fair, positive and based on mutual respect and understanding.

There is good support from parents and a good attendance at concerts and fund-raising events. Although St Catherine's does not have a Parents' Association there is a "Friends of St Catherine's" which helps with fund-raising events on a regular basis.

Many events are organised throughout the year and at least £1,000 is raised annually.

During the year the school organises a number of events to enhance the national curriculum including visiting theatre groups, links with health visitors, dental inspection, nurses and clinics, the police and road safety.

Children can get involved in netball and rounders, the choir, recorder club and hockey club.


Number on roll: 188

Number of teachers: Nine

Other staff: 13

Founded: 1890

Outside facilities: Two playgrounds and one garden

The head

HEADTEACHER Anne Duckworth has been in charge at St Catherine's for 11 years.

She has been married to Barrie for 31 years and has a daughter and a grandson.

Mrs Duckworth's childhood ambition was to become a dentist and when she was at school she was "good at reading and loved sports".

Her current hobbies include travel, knitting and reading.

Mrs Duckworth says he aims for the school include "to carry on the good tradition of St Catherine's in our new school".

Why I like my headteacher

"Our headteacher works hard in her office all day until about half past four."

Alex Harrison

"Mrs Duckworth is a good teacher. She is very cheerful and she can be a bit strict at some times, but most of the time she is nice."

Dean Morris

"Mrs Duckworth is very kind but sometimes has to shout. She helps you out as well."

Lewis Johnston

"Our headteacher rules the school, but she doesn't wear a school uniform. She gets to pick what she has for her school dinner."

Stephanie Flucker

"Our headteacher is Mrs Duckworth. She gets to shout at us when we are being naughty. She is kind and helpful."

Matthew Melia

Why I like my school

"I like my school because they organise clubs for us. I also like this school because it is very educational."

Daniel Charlton

"Because the teachers are kind, people are helpful, the teachers are helpful too because they help us learn."

Grace Powell

"I like my school because I know I am going to do hard work so it is like waking up to a challenge. I also like my school because it has a football team and we have a match at the end of the training session."

Daniel Redfern

"I like my school because it is full of joyful teachers. My school is absolutely great."

Lauren Siddall

My happiest memories

"When our netball team won lots of times and also when we have a party on the last day of year six or five."

Bryony Nixon

"When the school football team won and when we do our class assemblies and Christmas disco."

Matthew Payne

"When we went swimming in year five. Also when we went on a school trip and the coach broke down on the way to pick us up."

Joanne Leech

"When I got voted house captain, I became a prefect and when I got to give out the harvest gifts to old people and to see their faces of thankyou."

Hayley Brownlow

What I want to be

"When I am older I want to be a professional swimmer for England."

Ben Southern

"I want to be a solicitor when I grow up."

Josie Miller

"When I grow up I want to be a very famous author who writes good children's books. I want children all over the world to read my books."

Jordan Ekubia

"When I grow older I would like to be a nurse because I like to help people."

Katie Harrison

"When I grow up I want to be a vet because I absolutely adore animals."

Tanya Elliott