STAR performer of last week? McClelland. Susan. Allsorts stalwart.

If, to the discerning eye, there is the odd, barely perceptible sign that Mrs M's halcyon tennis days are perhaps shortening, she showed -- and against the might of Holcombe Brook! -- that she can still turn it on.

And turn it on she did, winning all her three sets and as ever, all three on one leg for much of the time. "Pisa" McClelland as she is known to her Italian fans, played out of her skin, and confirmed her reputation as a tough, resourceful competitor with healthy contempt for the coaching manual.

On top of this, Mrs M kept a close disciplinary eye on partner Peter Smith, the Allsorts junior talent with a range of quiet shots and quick movement but still capable of red-neck, red-mist tactical misjudgements.

On the adjacent court, the battle-hardened veterans of Bolton School B were facing the challenge of David Lloyd. Ladies Sarah Bleakley and Wendy Birchall with their mobile attacking play add to the team's texture but the real Corinthian spirit is provided by Jim Lever and Alistair Young, both relative newcomers to the game, both improving steadily.

Bolton School struggled. Margaret Poyner offered some lessons in the art of angled volleys, Jane Syner battled furiously, Mark Williams showed speed and shots to make him perhaps the subject of a transfer enquiry and skipper Allan Sharples matched volley with volley but less so speed with speed. All to no avail and David Lloyd continue on course for their 'OK Coral' match with Chorley on the last day of the season.

Walkers C have finally won a match, edging out the Cricketers with Barbara Millington and Peter Haslam laying mixed set foundations.

Results: Division One: Holcombe Brook A 25 Allsorts 24; Longsight 33 Monton 20; Walkers C 30 Bolton CC 28.

Division Two: MGB 38 Winter Hill 20; Walmersley B 48 HRM B 12; HRM A 38 Astley 16.

Division Three: Chorley 42 Bolton School C 12; David Lloyd 33 Bolton School B 16; Chorley 34 Egerton 21; Egerton 43 Guild Hall 13.