From the Evening News, January 27, 1977

INTEREST rates took a dive today as the Bank of England's minimum lending rate was cut a full point to 12 per cent.

A PLAN to screen the 725 Bolton school children, who were given the BCG tuberculosis vaccination last autumn, is being considered by the town's health chiefs. The plan has been put forward after 40 of the 13 and 14-years-olds at one school suffered unpleasant side-effects from the vaccination.


From the Evening News, January 29, 1952

HUNDREDS of people went up to Doffcocker at the weekend. Some of them skated with a grace to match the scene. Some made slides. Some took to tobogganing down the snow and onto the ice. Others just walked across the ice. The dogs did plenty of barking and bounding.

This morning, heavy snow began falling in Bolton, following several nights of hard frosts. Many people living in new houses in the higher land outside Bolton, where it is particularly cold, are being forced to do without running water because the water is lying frozen in pipes and tanks.


From the Evening News, January 29, 1877

WE are glad to learn that by the munificence of a Liverpool gentleman, an additional house, to accommodate about 30 boys, is to be built upon the estate of the Children's Home at Edgworth. The generous offer is to pay the whole cost, not only of the building, but of the complete furnishings of the proposed house.

The Managers have gladly accepted the offer, although it will involve an additional responsibility to the extent of £500 or £600 a year, or say £10 a week, to provide for the needs of the children who will occupy the house when it is finished.

We cannot but think, however, that the philanthropic public of this wealthy county will feel their obligation to relieve the Managers of the financial part of the burden, seeing the need there is of such a home for the neglected, suffering, forlorn children, who dwell in the shunned and disreputable quarters of our great towns.