THE fact that it has been written for several years now about people falling on dangerous pavements in much of Bolton, shows precisely how unable or unwilling Bolton councillors are to do anything about it.

The easy way out is, of course, to blame it on the victims!

Those responsible should have the decency to take a close look at some of these severely bruised and battered sufferers, and then, perhaps, feel ashamed.

Many of the victims are actually elderly and old people who wouldn't dream of suing, thus saving the council from paying out even more clearly deserved compensation.

While they suffer in silence, councillors stubbornly refuse to answer the question why the utility firms were never made to repair properly what they damaged in the first place. As usual, big-business interests prevailed again over the basic needs of citizens. (Examples abound.) In the continuous absence of clarification, voters have no choice but to entertain their own theories.

And councillors should spare us what appear to be crocodile tears about "council tax payers' money". They never seem to show much concern when accepting monstrous pay rises, year after year.

Mrs B Stuart

Lord's Stile Lane

Bromley Cross
