SURPRISE, surprise, our Council Tax is going up again -- five per cent in April.

Every year our services are cut, yet councillors can give themselves large pay increases.

The following cuts will come from education, special needs, highways, environment, leisure services, police (due to short change in Government spending).

What I would like to know, is where is the revenue going from the extra council tax from all the new estates that are being built all over Bolton?

The only green fields that have not been built on are Blackrod, other targets are schools, parks and playing fields.

Be warned: this council would build houses on top of Winter Hill if it could. It does not matter how much the council saves money by cuts, our Council Tax will never go down, due to the fact the the Government will reduce the hand-outs to the councils.

This is a stealth tax, which means underhanded behaviour by the Government.

(Name and address supplied)