WHILE I appreciate the need for a suitable solution to the problem of prostitution in the Haulgh area of Bolton, I fail to see the reasoning behind Councillor Frank White's view that moving the girls to an area where they already operate is the answer.

Prostitutes are commonplace at all hours of the day and night in the area of Shiffnall Street, and spill over into Breightmet Street and now Clive Street, which in itself is now a residential area.

My 16-year-old daughter has been approached on numerous occasions by men looking for prostitutes within yards of our front door. Cars are cruising the area regularly, and in some instances have been seen to park on a cul-de-sac to wait.

By moving more prostitutes to this area Cllr White is only papering over the cracks and is not offering a viable solution to an age old problem.

Concerned resident,

Clive St, Bolton.