CHILDREN as young as 12 who are terrorising people on a street in Daubhill could soon kill someone, a man has claimed.

John Ryder has spoken about his fears after a house he owns was broken into, vandalised and looted by a gang of between 30 and 40 youths who roam Longfield Road.

And he cited a litany of problems suffered by other residents in the area who have come to grief at the hands of youngsters. These include:

A man had the porch of his house set alight when he shouted at a gang.

A businessman nearly had his shop burnt down when teenagers soaked rags in petrol and stuffed them in his gutter.

A shopkeeper was sworn at and threatened when he asked a gang to move away from his shop.

Another resident had two wooden gates ripped off their hinges, before the youths tried to kick down the back door.

A member of staff at a nearby business had thousands of pounds worth of damage caused to his car by youths throwing rocks.

Mr Ryder, aged 58, lived in Longfield Road 14 years, but now lives outside the town and leases the property.

His tenant is temporarily living elsewhere because he is too scared to return.

The landlord said what happened to the house was typical of the problems in Longfield Road in recent months.

He added: "Everyone is terrified of standing up to them and people don't know what to do.

"It is terrible and getting worse. These children are now setting fire to houses and if things don't improve someone will be killed."

The gang which broke into the house smashed windows, damaged furniture and ripped doors off.

He said: "They wrecked the place and stole lots of things, including the settee and television.

"A massive brick was also thrown through the window. If my tenant had been inside at the time he would have been seriously injured."

On bonfire night the vandals ripped two gates from a house across from Mr Ryder's property and tried to break into the end-of-terrace home. Dozens of muddy footprints could be seen on the back door.

A mother who has lived in Longfield Road for seven years said in the last three months the problems had become unbearable.

The woman, who did not want to be named, said: "They are out of control. We are constantly living on pins.

"They jumped on one of my neighbour's cars when he was in it the other day. He was frightened to death."

A businessman in St Helens Road said he was lucky a nearby security guard spotted flames coming from his shop before a fire took hold one night last week.

He said: "From what we have heard they soaked rags in petrol and put them in the gutter before setting them alight.

"The other week we saw one of the youths just smashing away at a drainpipe."

He added: "The young people in this area have the wrong attitude. Why are their parents letting them run around at 11pm at night?"

Councillor Dennis Barlow, who represents the Daubhill ward, said he was aware of the problems at the Deane Church Lane end of Longfield Road.

He said a youth club was opening in the Morris Green area this Friday which he hoped would get the gangs off the streets.

He added: "I know there have been a few problems but a club in another part of Daubhill has been a big success.

"We are confident the youth club will give them somewhere to go and get them off the streets."

Chief Insp Alan Greene, of Bolton Central police station, said his officers knew about the problems in Longfield Road.

He added: "We are stepping up patrols in the area.

"You do wonder if these young people realise that something they may think is just a prank could be very dangerous and get them into serious trouble."