CHILDREN throughout Bolton gathered to meet a TV star who, although small in stature, has entertained generations of youngsters over the years.

Sooty, the famous glove puppet, dropped in yesterday at McDonalds fast-food restaurant at Water Meetings Road, for an impromptu chat alongside TV presenter Richard Cadell.

Fans were able to meet Sooty, who gave out autographs following a glimpse of some of the magic tricks which have made him Britain's longest-running children's celebrity. Sooty earlier performed in two matinee shows at Bolton's Albert Halls and is said to be exhausted after flying in to the region from Florida just hours before the Bolton gigs.

Richard Cadell, who took over the mantle from Matthew Corbett after he retired four years ago, said: "This is the first time that Sooty has been in Bolton, but he will definitely be back next year.

"He will have been on television for 50 years next year, making him the longest-running children's celebrity in the world.

"The audience at Bolton's Albert Halls was fantastic. One little girl, who was called Deborah and was four years old, just climbed up on stage and wouldn't leave. She gave Sooty a chocolate and then took it back off him. It was hilarious and we just made her part of the show.

"We had some great laughs with both the children and the parents."

Most adults grew up with the familiar character and his friends, Sue and Sweep. Mr Cadell, aged 33, from Leicester, won the Magic Circle's prestigious Young Magician of the Year award 16 years ago.

Also an experienced Punch and Judy puppeteer, he said: "I think children's entertainment has become more computer-generated these days, but Sooty still gets massive television viewing ratings and still packs them in at the theatre.

"It speaks for itself that children sometimes don't want the technology.

"Sooty has never really been in or out of fashion. He's not like the Tweenies or Bob the Builder. Many adults and pensioners have very fond memories.

"The audience in Bolton was superb. I asked them if they wanted us back next year and there was this huge cheer. So I think it's a date. I think we have a real fan base here."

The visit to McDonalds coincides with a promotion at the fast-food chain and is also part of work to highlight the new Sooty television series, which started this month.