IN recent weeks much has been reported in the BEN concerning a suspected terrorist, notably Abu Quatada.

This person sought refuge in this country some eight years ago and he appears to be enjoying life to the full.

In this country we have married pensioner couples who have given their all for the good of mankind and who are now living on a joint pension of less than £200 per week and paying all their dues and demands.

So, will someone with knowledge of welfare payments kindly explain, in understandable English, how and why this refugee with eight years residency and no contributions to the system has been allowed to draw £209 plus per week?

I, as an individual admire charities and contribute regularly. But, to give £209 per week to a suspect, leaves me to believe that this is DSS charity gone haywire and adds insult to injury in respect of the former hard-working indigenous populace of this country, who must all be saying with one voice that charity begins at home.

John Higson

Tarbet Drive
