SOCIAL workers often do a sterling job in times of family difficulty.

And, for one Bolton woman at least, a local social worker proved to be a life-saver. Mrs F Liversedge explains: "I would like to nominate Linda Jackson for the BEN Bouquet of the Week for her endless devotion to her job as a social worker (work that goes on behind the scenes and does not get enough recognition.)

"My mother, who I cared for at home during the last five years, has just passed away. But prior to her death, as her health was deteriorating, I had to contact Social Services for help with her.

"Linda came to visit me at home with help and advice. It was so comforting to talk to her. She is so friendly, compassionate, understanding and reliable.

"She will never let you down and will listen and help you with all your problems. She never fails to give you a telephone call if you need to contact her for anything, even though her workload seems over-bearing.

"I would love to see her get the recognition she truly deserves. Please brighten up HER day as she does to so many other people in need.

"To see her smiling face in the BEN I'm sure would bring a smile to a lot of others who she has helped."

Linda was certainly surprised to receive such a lovely nomination, and, as our picture shows, she really appreciated the thought.

If YOU know a special someone who deserves our weekly flowers, write and tell us about them (including their daytime telephone number) to: e-mail BOUQUET OF THE WEEK at: