A BOLTON Wanderers fan who saved the day when he handed over his shirt to a star player was this afternoon looking forward to meeting his heroes.

Postman Lee Houghton, aged 34, loaned the blue Bolton away shirt he was wearing to Djibril Diawara, after the club forgot to pack him one for the top of the table clash at Arsenal.

Diawara was called in as a substitute at the last moment for injured Nicky Southall, so two Bolton staff went outside the famous Highbury Stadium to search for a Wanderers supporter wearing a replica shirt.

Soccer mad Lee came to the rescue and handed over his top. In the Highbury dressing room Diawara's name and number was ironed on to the shirt so he could run out with the rest of the team.

Today Lee is to meet his heroes when Bolton present him with his original shirt - complete with autographs - at a special presentation at their training ground at Euxton.

He said: "It was a weird feeling to see him run on, knowing he had my top on. I don't know what size Diawara is but I'm 14 stone and my shirt looked tight on him! I have met some of the players before but this is just fantastic."

Diawara, who signed for the Wanderers during the summer, came on as substitute as gallant 10-man Wanderers held on for a 1-1 draw after Ricardo Gardner was sent off.