Bolton Council's Welfare Rights Service helped people in Bolton to claim just over £1 million in benefits last year.

Their expertise came to the rescue in dozens of cases of people needing guidance through the welfare rights system.

And one person managed to claim a total of £17,800 after staff stepped in to help.

Welfare rights staff supported the claimant at a tribunal arguing that the claimant was not working, and the benefit was reinstated.

In another case staff surfed the internet to research an obscure medical condition to find evidence for an appeal hearing, the outcome of which netted the claimant backdated benefit of £14,600.

Staff will also help people with housing benefit and council tax benefit as well as a wide range of social welfare law. There is also a wide range of leaflets, newsletters and fact sheets to help people. Last year the team dealt with 2,991 inquiries.

Bolton Council's Executive Member for social services councillor Cliff Morris said: "A lot has been done to simplify processes but for an ordinary person, appearing at a tribunal can be a daunting task. The staff are thoroughly versed in the complexities of the system and can cut through the red tape which can confuse people.

"Their effectiveness can be judged from the amount of money which they helped people claim or reclaim. I think it's a superb example of vulnerable people being helped."

The Welfare Rights Advice Line can be contacted on 01204 380460 and is open from 10am-12 noon from Monday to Friday.