HAVING read the letter from Grenville Moore, I am beginning to understand why the world is in such turmoil -- quoting the Bible every few sentences as though that is the truth, the only truth.

What about the claims of other religions, all claiming the true God? The Catholics, Buddists, Jehovas Witnesses, Moonies and Muslims to name but a few. Way back in time, there were also Egyptian gods and Greek deities.

No wonder Karl Marx called religion the "opium of the masses". His religion, Communism, was a failure, but at least he did not claim infallibility from some divine source. No religion is based on fact, but faith -- which is belief without facts.

As soon as God enters a discussion, common sense goes out of the reasoning. No matter how many Biblical quotes Grenville Moore puts forward, I cannot believe a man can walk on water, raise the dead, or feed thousands with a few loaves and fishes, or did he have behind him the top ranking God of all Gods?

John S L Evans

Howard Avenue

Deane HAVING read the letter from Grenville Moore, I am beginning to understand why the world is in such turmoil -- quoting the Bible every few sentences as though that is the truth, the only truth.

What about the claims of other religions, all claiming the true God? The Catholics, Buddists, Jehovas Witnesses, Moonies and Muslims to name but a few. Way back in time there were also Egyptian gods and Greek deities.

No wonder Karl Marx called religion the "opium of the masses". His religion, Communism, was a failure, but at least he did not claim infallibility from some divine source. No religion is based on fact, but faith -- which is belief without facts.

As soon as God enters a discussion, common sense goes out of the reasoning. No matter how many Biblical quotes Grenville Moore puts forward, I cannot believe a man can walk on water, raise the dead, or feed thousands with a few loaves and fishes -- or did he have behind him the top ranking God of all Gods?

John S L Evans

Howard Avenue
