WENT to a Bolton park today with my friend, her four year old son and the three-year-old boy and his baby brother that she child minds.

On arrival we discovered there was a fund raising event, so there was the added attraction of a few stalls, bouncy castle, and a couple of roundabout rides.

Quite a lot of people were there, from babies to teenagers, young mothers to grandmas. There were other differences too. Those of race, creed and colour.

It was impressive how well all the children behaved, and if there was the odd tussle it was the normal falling out of children and not because they had skins of a different colour.

Adults picked up children when they fell -- anybody's child. Peeled the paper from their ice lollies -- anybody's child and talked to each other about those children.

There was no black, white or brown. No Muslim or Christian. No difference of nationality. Just grandmothers, mothers and children. It was a lovely day.

Mrs D K Monaghan

Meadowfield Drive

