I AM writing in total agreement to the points raised by an irate resident (Your Views: August 16).

I also feel totally let down and disgusted by the way the planning committee has decided in their infinite wisdom to ignore the views of local residents, especially when the planning committee received more than 60 letters of objection to the proposed Mosque. It would appear to me that the planning committee wants to be seen giving people the opportunity to object to planning application, but, in reality, they just ignore residents' views. How can this be right?

As stated in the letter of August 16, there are two Mosques in close proximity of Blackburn Road and one currently under construction at the top end of Sutcliffe Street, then why is there a need to grant another application for a Mosque in the same area? In the area around Ramsay Street, parking is horrendous at the best of times, but to allow another facility to compound the problems already facing local residents beggars belief. There would be more environmental problems, even though it states in last Saturday's paper that the occupants will go on foot, and not in their cars!

There will be more noise pollution, emissions from traffic, congestion of traffic trying to by pass the bottom end of Belmont Road, and there will be a lack of accessibility for emergency services to gain access to the surrounding streets if a fire or accident ever occurred. I also thought Bolton Council was actively promoting Agenda 21, which is a process of trying to reduce the environmental impact on our surroundings by reducing noise, traffic and pollution. Obviously I was wrong in my assumption, or did someone forget to tell the planning committee their role and responsibility in this matter?

I also have the same fears as the irate resident of losing value to my property, and feel very annoyed that the planning committee has made a conscious decision, which is beyond my control, to devalue the price of my property by allowing a building to be used that is clearly unsuitable for use and will have a detrimental effect to the local environment by the way of pollution.

I also await comments from the councillors on the planning committee.

(Name and address supplied)