I've been busy grooving my tennis groundstrokes, perfecting my golf drive, basketball shooting, football strike, thai-boxing moves, breastroke technique, power walking and running.

This wasn't some exhausting fitness challenge -- it was all part of a 45 minute aqua aerobic session at David Lloyd Leisure in Bolton.

I'd seen the bobbing heads of such classes before but I didn't know what to expect as most of the action goes on below the surface of the water.

As I joined the group of 25, mainly over-50s, I wondered if I would gain anything from the session.

I've always been a bit of a water-baby so I felt immediately at home in the water which was pleasantly warm. And there was no time to get cold as instructor Natalie Prescott, 30, took us through a choreographed warm-up.

Like any good instructor, Natalie pitched the class to suit the clientele.

She stayed on the poolside as we imitated her movements in the water.

Then, progressing through a series of simple moves, some of them borrowed from other sports, every limb and muscle group was worked, providing a deceptively effective workout.

It's a proven fact that water-borne exercise allows a greater range of movement at a lower heart rate than on land and the resistance of the water gives the benefit of working with weights without placing stress on the joints.

The wonderful thing about this activity is that it doesn't matter how unfit or unsupple a person is to begin with.

Anyone can do it, young or old, whatever size or shape, you can still get moving.

At its most basic aqua aerobics can help rehabilitation and general mobility.

At its most advanced it can help the elite athlete improve performance through practising land-based movements against the resistance of water.

This was not a high-intensity workout for me but I felt I was getting a good whole-body workout.

And the emotional effects are probably just as beneficial as the physical. Apart from being great fun there's something very therapeutic about splashing about in water.

Having taken the plunge I'll definitely do it again.



AQUA aerobics is ideal for pregnant women, for the older age group and for rehabilitation -- in fact, for anyone who is just starting out on an exercise programme.

It is so beneficial to people with mobility, weight, heart and circulatory problems that many doctors now recommend the activity.

You can try it for yourself at the following centres around Bolton.

David Lloyd Leisure (members only) 01204-547601, The Water Place 01204-334466, Horwich Leisure Centre 01204-334488, Farnworth Leisure Centre 01204-334477, Sharples CLC (Community Leisure Centre) 01204-334224, Turton CLC 01204-334440, Deane CLC 01204-334432, Westhoughton CLC 01942-634812