HOME Secretary Jack Straw's latest asylum plans have been denounced as a stunt to cover up shock new figures.

The Home Secretary outlined proposals to tackle those who disappear while their asylum applications are being considered, and to examine fingerprint technology to check on asylum seekers arriving in the UK.

He made his announcement as new figures revealed there were 5,815 asylum applications in March -- up 755 on February. Three out of four were found to be groundless.

At the present rate, the UK will receive over 70,000 applications this year. The total for 1997 was 32,500.

In the same period the cost of asylum seeker support has risen from £423m to £751m.

These latest figures show yet again that Labour have failed to deal with the asylum crisis.

The most recent announcements are nothing more than a pre-election attempt to cover up the government's embarrassment about the continuing crisis in our asylum system.

These figures show that there has been a continued increase in the number of applications and there is an unacceptable increase in the backlog of those waiting for asylum appeals.

The Conservatives have proposed to detain all asylum seekers until their case has been properly assessed.

If an application fails, the individual applicant will be removed swiftly. Until common sense policies like ours are introduced, Britain will remain a soft touch for unfounded asylum claims.

Cllr Walter Hall

Sandown Road

Harwood, Bolton