NOT only has the Painters' Arms no beer, but landlord Joe Henderson has no licence either. Mr Henderson and his wife Elsie now have to serve soft drinks, tea and coffee at their pub in Crook Street, Bolton. The bitter truth struck home for the customers when Joe, aged 54, had an application for a licence renewal turned down. And that means a five-week wait until a new bid can be made. He should have applied in February for his drinks permit to be renewed, but failed to do so, and this week the latest licensing sessions justices said he had not shown enough cause for failing to apply in February.


A PARTY of unknown people today returned the Coronation Stone to Mr James Wishart, custodian of the ruined Arbroath Abbey. It has been placed on the high altar on the grave of King William the Lion. Two unsigned letters, one addressed to the King and one to the General Assembly of Scotland, were returned with the stone when it was returned. The stone had been taken without authority from Westminster Abbey.


From the Evening News, April 11, 1876

A MURDER was committed in Bolton on Saturday evening, of a frightful brutal character, and arising, as at present appears, out of a trade dispute. There has been a strike at the bleachworks of Messrs Slater and Co., and a strong feeling seems to have existed on the part of the turnouts towards the strangers from other towns who had succeeded to their places.

No violence, however, was perpetrated until Saturday evening, when three of the new men left a beerhouse in Slater-lane, one named Thompson to resume his duties as fireman, and the other two - Wright and McCurley - to their homes on the bleachworks premises. When they reached the archway of the new Astley Bridge Railway, they were assaulted by a large body of men. Wright escaped, but McCurley was kicked until he was insensible; and Thompson was apparently kicked to death.

As Thompson did not return home at the usual hour his wife and another person went in search of him, and to their great surprise and horror, found his dead body underneath the archway.

It is stated that whilst the three men were in the beerhouse in Slater-lane, one of the turnouts put in an appearance, and his visit is supposed to have been in connection with the subsequent presence of the body of men near the railway arch.

The police arrested thirty-four of the turnouts, and the case came in front of the Borough Magistrates this morning. Twenty-nine were discharged, and the remaining five remanded until Saturday.