From the Evening News, April 19, 1976

WHILE the country takes an Easter break, the holidays are one of the busiest periods of the year for Bolton's mobile Park Rangers. Holidaying Boltonians fill the parks and the varied duties of the Rangers become even heavier. Under the every day hat of the Rangers are confined the responsibility of a policeman, a games warden, wildlife officer, a horticultural expert and a community care officer. They have to visit everything from bowling greens and tennis courts to the lawns in front of community homes in their area.

ASTLEY Bridge can play Bolton League cricket matches on their Sharples ground again this summer, it has been decided after an inspection. The wicket was deemed unfit last year, and the Bridge had to play all their matches away from home.


FOR the first time in its 32 years of public service, Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., has applied to the Licensing Authority for permission to increase its fares. Under the present proposals, single fares will remain as at present except on services where no return fares are issued. The effect on the increases will, in many instances, be that the return fares will be double those of the single fares, and in such cases return tickets would be abolished.


AT the Borough Court this morning, James Mason, labourer, a young man about 25 years of age, and residing at 95, Reservoir-street, was charged with attempting to indecently assault Jane Ann Dickinson, aged 18 years, and using obscene language to her and four other girls, in Norman-street, on the evening of the 18th inst.; and also with being drunk at the same time and place. The prisoner, who said he was drunk, was fined 40s and costs.

THIS morning, Thomas Haddock, aged 40 years, colliery fireman, of Hall-lane, Moses Gate, was found killed by a collier, named Martin, at the Farnworth Bridge Colliery. The deceased had been examining the mine prior to the descent of the men, and it is conjectured that whilst endeavouring to release a stone in the roof, which he knew to be dangerous, it fell upon him and killed him on the spot. The deceased was found at half past six o'clock, and his body was wound out of the mine by his son, the engineer at the colliery, who had no idea of the accident.