I AM writing to set the record straight in reply to Mr Kevin Meagher's letter.

I am somewhat bewildered by his one-sided take on the issues.

It was the Conservative Government that had to pull this country up by its collars after the debacle of the last Labour Government. It was the Labour Party that put this country through the Winter of Discontent, had allowed industry to crumble and headed Britain into high inflation and high unemployment. During these sad times Britain was very much the "Sick man of Europe". Under the Conservatives more people became home owners, taxes were slashed, giving people more to spend, while Britain started to compete again in the world marketplace, winning foreign investment.

It is interesting how one-sided some people's views can be. Mr Meagher voiced his concerns about standing up for disabled people and the Winter Fuel Allowance for pensioners.

This Labour Government have introduced more benefits means testing and have cut £50 from the Winter Fuel Allowance. The Conservative Party believes in giving pensioners the choice on how they receive their bonuses. They won't be getting rid of the Winter Fuel Allowance, but giving pensioners the option of spreading these extra payments throughout the year. This will be on top of a real term increase of the state pension.

The Labour Party have time and again proved themselves to be all spin and no substance, with secondary school class sizes still increasing, double the number of claims for asylum and a recruitment crisis in Teaching, Nursing and the Armed Forces, it is easy to see the colossal damage already inflicted on this country by incompetent "Phoney Tony and his cronies" in the same old Labour Party.

Well, Mr Meagher, I hope you won't take it personally, but you really should establish the true facts before hanging a millstone around anybody's neck.

Mrs B Porter

Somerdale Avenue

