I AM astonished to read Cllr Alan Walsh's rantings on the opencast issue -- if only he'd used the same kind of energy in fighting the plans when the work was being done.

He never attended any of the meetings organised by Cllr Hyland and did not give evidence against the plans at any public inquiry.

In fact the only real contribution we had from the Conservatives was to support the plans when they went before Bolton Council.

Yes, residents have lost the battle but we have not lost the war. I will certainly ensure that Ruth Kelly MP is kept fully aware of any possible breach of agreement by RJB Mining and hopefully, if they keep their word, we will have the area restored when they have finished.

I am glad the BEN has supported this viewpoint and hope that they too will use their local expertise and be our eyes and ears on the lookout for any problems.

It is a shame that Cllr Walsh and his equally inept colleague, James Stevens, chose to avoid the issue when the work was being done, and instead now try and make silly cheap political points which do nothing to help local residents whatsoever.

Mrs A Owen

Crescent Avenue, Over Hulton