WELL said S. Corns (Your Views, March 21); how right you are.

These MPs don't know a thing about the departments they represent. They even confirm this by having a "shuffle" around whenever the Prime Minister wishes.

Do they not realise that if you represent a large body of people the logical thing to do would be to ask their advice -- ie, the Minister for Agriculture should ask farmers, the Minister for Education should ask teachers, the Minister for Health should ask nurses and doctors. I don't mean the 'top dogs' of these industries, I mean the real workers.

Contrary to MPs' beliefs, they wouldn't say just "give us more money". They would give practical, real advice that would mean real changes that work.

So to those MPs in Westminster: "Get off your backsides" and come down to the real world of down-to-earth people, the ones you're supposed to represent, and whose votes you will so desperately need come May 3, or whenever the election is held.

Joanne Pollitt

Seddon Lane
