I HOPE you give me the opportunity to respond to the disgraceful rantings of the Firs Road resident -- and yes I would like to exercise my right for my name to be withheld.

Yes the decision is a body-blow to everyone who fought this application -- but vote Tory? I think not.

Ruth Kelly fought tooth and nail against this application, as did Cllr Eric Hyland and the local Liberal Democrats. The only people who did not were the Conservatives, who actually voted for the application when it went before Bolton Council -- so why should we vote for them?

If the Tories had had their way we would never have been able to launch a fight. After all, when the Daisy Hill mine got the go-ahead under the last government, all Tom Sackville could say at the time was "unfortunately the decision was out of my hands". This may have been the case, but the Tories could have made up for this by joining the fight against Cutacre, instead of supporting it on Bolton Council.

In short, I suggest the Firs Road resident takes stock of his silly comments and reflects on the fact that, while this battle has been lost, the last people who should reap the rewards of this should be the Tories.

Name and address supplied