DRAMA Workshop Youth Theatre presents two productions next week.

The first play, on Monday and Tuesday, is being undertaken by the older members of the Youth Theatre, aged between 15 and 18. This is the stage version of Terry Pratchett's 'Wyrd Sisters', a comic version of Macbeth, and tells Shakespeare's tale from the point of view of the three witches.

The two younger groups, aged between 7 and 14, are performing the second play on Thursday and Friday .

Entitled, 'Little Wings', this is based on an old folk tale and has been devised by the children.

The members of the Youth Theatre donate all of the proceeds from their shows to charity and last year raised more than £2,300. This year the young members hope to reach a target of £3,000 which will be donated to The National Kidney Research Fund.

DWYT tries to encourage young people to enter the theatre, and both shows should make ideal family viewing. All performances are at Theatre Church, Astley Bridge, starting at 7.30pm. Tickets are available from Wendy on 431395.