Chamber is US 'hit' AMERICAN web surfers are logging on to Bolton and Bury Chamber of Commerce.

The Chamber -- which has roots going back 114 years -- starts a new life as a slimmed down organisation on Monday.

A government shake-up means that many of its former functions are to be supported by two new organisations -- the Greater Manchester Learning and Skills Council and the Small Business Service.

But as it heads into the future the Chamber is delighted with the success of its website. It has been discovered that of the 2,000-plus "hits" each month around a quarter are from businesses in the United States.

There also others from businesses all over the globe.


Mr Andrew Ratcliff, the Chamber's Chief Executive (designate) said: "This is a great opportunity for local businesses to use the Chamber website to market themselves locally, nationally and internationally."

The Chamber has an online membership directory. In 1998 it merged with Bolton Bury Training and Enterprise Council and Business Link.

It has helped more than 25,000 young people and 15,000 adults improve their qualifications for work and has organised work experience "tasters" for 6,000 school pupils each year.

In the last 10 years it has helped 2,000 business start up and generated millions of pounds of investment in local companies. The agency has also helped nearly 400 local organisations through the Investors in People improvement programme. Partnerships with the private and public sectors have successfully harnessed more than £240 million in European and central government funds.

The Chamber has 1,200 members who employ more than 40,000 local people. "Networking" is likely to be one of the key functions of the new Chamber. The first opportunity is the annual dinner and dance at the Last Drop Village, Bromley Cross on Friday, April 6. Special guest is David Kendall, a former Barclays Bank manager turned business speaker. Details from Neil Walmsley 01204 374744. Chamber successes of the last 10 years, from left: Teresa Allsop, now in a new career with St Andrews Travel following redundancy, Craig Collier of RRG Group and Julie Barnes of Balloon Decor, who was helped to start a successful business.