COUNCILLOR Nick Peel is wrong in accusing me of branding all the residents of De Lacy Drive as "nuisance tenants, riff-raff, cretins, and mindless morons". I don't deny using these words in my letter, but they were not aimed at the long-suffering tenants of De Lacy Drive.

"This anti-social riff-raff who infest our estates" -- please note, Councillor, 'estates' -- not De Lacy Drive -- "have been put there by the Council". This is what I said.

I don't know the names and addresses of the cretins who create the problems, but I know they exist, maybe even in De Lacy Drive. I know these morons are the reason why there are so many 'void properties' on our estates.

Councillor Peel admits the Council have been unable to re-let the many void properties on De Lacy Drive. He whines on about a lack of substainability, and the street's social exclusion problems, its stigma, and its reputation.

But who is responsible for the street's demise? Who allows nuisance tenants to live in their properties? Who does little or nothing to relieve the harassment of decent people, not only on De Lacy, but on other estates all over Bolton?

Incidentally, Councillor, I've had letters and phone calls from people you represent, thanking me for the letter which you describe as "extremely offensive and venomous". And you say I've lost the plot!!

Brian Derbyshire

Ribchester Grove
